India is on a relentless journey to maintain its position as the fastest growing major economy in the world in the next decade 2019-28. The Government is targeting all round growth, the main focus being traffic/transport Infrastructure development with Rs. 30 trillion for safe and speedy movement of people and goods. There is huge funding for urban transport, airports and inland waterways as well. 12,000 km of national highways every year, implementation of e-tolling , 40km of road construction per day, highspeed rail and corridors, creation of safety norms for vehicles and roads; all these are creating demand for innovative traffic management methodologies and safety systems. Indian Intelligent Transport System market is set to hold a large share of the Asia Pacific ITS Market.
Trafficinfratech Expo offers the right platform for the national and global technology/product providers in infrastructure development, ITS, Safety, Security , Tolling and related segments.